Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My Last Journal

I really enjoyed my ENC 1102 class having Professor Warren as my teacher was awesome. I learned a lot in your class. More than what I learned in my ENC1101 class. I wish I would have taken you instead of my last teacher. Being in your class has been an eye opener on a lot of things. Watching all those wonderful films like Dive! and waiting on superman change my thoughts and feelings on a lot of things in my life. I really liked the fact that we were able to choose our own topics for our essays and how we could write our reaction towards the videos or guest speaker. I had to get in a routine of having to write essays every week and journals. I never really had to write journals or never do blogs for any of my classes. It was very hard for me to keep up with who essay I commented on. The class was not hard it was pretty easy. I also like when we went to the amazing art gallery on campus to see the wonderful pictures and how we had to choose pictures that we liked. The pictures that I choose I could really relate to them, they really represented my life. I did a great job on my essay I made a 95 I was really happy about that. When I seen my grade I knew I didn’t have any trouble writing any other essay. All in all I loved my class and I learned a lot. I will never forget you Professor Warren.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Waiting on Superman


Waiting for Superman

            In viewing the film Waiting for “Superman”, an age old question has arisen; why are African Americans faring so poorly in the public educational system that are in place throughout the United States? The statistics throughout the history of the public school system are staggering and almost unbelievable in the direct correlation to African American dropout rate and prison rates. Undoubtedly, there are success stories everywhere of Black students achieving scholastic greatness, but that is the problem; when an African American achieves in the classroom, it shouldn’t be a success story, it should be the status quo, it should be normal. When a Caucasian student is going through school, it is expected that they graduate and continue on to a post-secondary form of education. Why is it different within the African American community? There is a discrepancy from the time Blacks enter the public school system to the time that they leave, whether they graduate or not.

            There is a direct correlation between underachieving African Americans in the public school systems and their background. Most troublemaking and underachieving students have backgrounds in impoverished neighborhoods with dysfunctional families. This has been an issue from the abolition of slavery up through the Civil Rights Era, even up to the present day. “The American power structure and the history of oppression that it has created for African Americans have had a devastating effect on the African American family unit. Whether forcibly during slavery or as a voluntary reaction to life pressures, disruption to the immediate family unit is not new to Black families…” (Jenkins). In the African American society, the average child may not have the necessity, which is now looked upon as a luxury, of a two parent household for whatever reason: incarceration, death, drug addiction, etc. “With parents suffering a sense of defeatism, many Black children are then left to navigate the psychological and social oppressions

that began for them at a very early age” (Jenkins).

            These children also confront the brutal reality of poverty face to face each and every day before they walk into school and again when they leave school.

            “‘Children have an enormous capacity to adapt to insanity.’ To look upon Black children who live in poverty, whose families have been shut out of employment and the economic infrastructure of America, who have been socially outcast from society, and who constantly confront death whether it be immediately in their own violent neighborhood or slowly via inadequate healthcare, nutrition, and stress, all caused by society’s power structure, and ask why they are acting out suggests that maybe it is society that does not fully understand the situation” (Jenkins).

            These students from disenfranchised situations at home bring those same burdens with them into the schoolhouse, causing them to create more trouble in the classroom. This inadvertently leads to more suspensions and expulsions from school, causing them to miss valuable instruction. As an effect to their antics, black children are also stigmatized as troublemakers and receive harsher and longer punishments from school authorities.

 “Black female and male students have experienced higher levels of exclusionary discipline since 1991 than any other group of students…Black females and males represent 17 percent of the youth population ages 10 to 17, but are 58 percent of all juveniles sent to adult prison…Black students are more likely to be suspended or expelled for “disrespect, excessive noise, threat, and loitering…At 28.3 percent of suspensions, Black boys have experienced the greatest risk of suspension among middle school students, with the number of suspensions increasing annually from 2002 to 2006. In fact, a number of studies have found Black males experience the highest rates of exclusionary discipline” (Morris).

“Black and Hispanic students represent more than 70 percent of those involved in school-related arrests or referrals to law enforcement. Currently, African Americans make up two-fifths and Hispanics one-fifth of confined youth today” (Kerby).

            With these two factors, coupled with a curriculum that shows no notable figures that Black children can relate to, as well as absorbing years’ worth of subliminal conditioning through various media outlets, Black children began to feel a subconscious sense of inferiority and self-hatred. In this sense, they lash out against superiors and think less of those of their own kind; all the while subconsciously wondering why they can’t be apart of the alleged “superior” race.

“One of the many factors influencing the current social status of Black people, and more particularly Black males, is psychological in nature: the persisting internalization of self-hatred, resulting in low self-concept…as laws forced society to discontinue direct forms of racial prejudice, television became the new medium to disseminate stereotypical perspectives. And it proved even more successful than the first, as it reached an even greater audience and attacked Blacks even in the privacy of their own homes. Detrimental in those years of dual mediums (radio and TV), the effect is now almost devastating in the multimedia world of today. Now more than ever, young Black males are confronted with and unable to escape negative societal imaging…Society and the level at which one interacts within society has a strong influence on one’s psychological development, and more specifically one’s development of self-concept” (Jenkins).

            By the time these Black students reach high school, if they haven’t already dropped out due to extraneous circumstances, or incarcerated, they have already been conditioned into the “permanent outsiders” of society. They have witnessed enough discrimination and prejudice in real-life situations to understand that they are not a part of the group of people who have the fast track to success. They come to either two conclusions: To try and break the trend and make something of themselves regardless of the situation at hand, or to concede defeat to the system on the grounds that there is no way that their situation can change. Undoubtedly, more and more of Blacks turn to the latter of the two. Simply put, Black students give up hope; either they don’t care about overachieving in a system that cares nothing about them, or they do absolutely nothing and perpetuate the very stereotypes that they were stigmatized with from the start as an act of defiance. This is why graduation rates are as low as they are.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Journal "Waiting on Superman"

After watching the film “Waiting  for Superman” it opened my eyes about the public school system. First off I did not know that we were so behind in education in America, but then again I can see how that is true. I really don’t think it’s fair to students who actually want to learn and go to a great school to better their education. I mean it’s fair how they choose their students. But I feel that as long as the student’s grades are good no matter what school they went to should be accepted in any school they desire. While watching the video it was sad to see those kids waiting to hear their names being called when most of the children in the video did not get picked to attend the school they wanted. When I was a child I was enrolled into a public school but I wanted to get in a magnet school called “Lavila  school of arts” but I did not get accepted at all. I was very sad so I know how those kids feel in the film.no I do not have children in public schools, but I do have a younger brother and a lot of younger relatives in public schools. My experience in the public school system was ok. But the schools I attended were pretty laid back I really did have to work hard to get an easy “A” but as I look back I wish I went to a school that challenged my knowledge a lot more. Now that I am enrolled into college it affect me a little now. But education is the key to success and I try to encourage anyone who is school because it gets very difficult at times.   

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Self-Objectification of Women and its Effects:

The Self-Objectification of Women and its Effects:

            The woman in today’s society stare a seemingly insurmountable obstacle in the face almost every waking moment of their adult lives; the objectification and sexual exploitation of their bodies. Women must often endure or resort to one of the two choices in order to accomplish seemingly minor goals. Media and advertising send these signals in barrages through television shows, movies, music, magazines, billboards, computer sites, along with many other subtle outlets. What isn’t widely discussed is the effect that this objectification actually has on the women in our society. Studies have shown that the objectification and sexual exploitation of women have a psychological effect and can lead mental health issues and disorders. This is a growing, yet looked over, issue that must be addressed and reverted in a timely fashion, or we risk further pressuring and scarring our women.

            “Objectify: to treat as an object or cause to have objective reality” (Merriam-Webster). This definition has been used to change the view of the general public that a certain group of people are less than human, as property. Most notably and blatantly is the objectification of African slaves brought over by the Europeans, but on a slightly more subtle scale is the ongoing objectification of women in not only America, but worldwide. From the most flagrant television ad to the slightest sexual comment, women are exploited daily and it has become so degradingly prevalent today that women perpetuate these exploitations themselves.

Sexual Objectification experiences can lead to self-objectification, which could lead to psychological consequences such as: appearance anxiety, reduced flow, diminished internal awareness, body shame, and anxiety about physical safety. These psychological consequences often leads to mental health risks including but not limited to sexual dysfunction, depression, and disordered eating habits. 

“Objectification theory posits that SO of females is likely to contribute to mental health problems that disproportionately affect women (i.e., eating disorders, depression, and sexual dysfunction) via two main paths. The first path is direct and overt and involves SO experiences. The second path is indirect and subtle and involves women’s internalization of SO experiences or self-objectification” (Dawn M. Szymanski).

What is widely understood is women are objectified in any arena that has to do with a predominantly male audience; car magazines, football commercials, tool ads are all examples of a mainly male audience. Many people would be surprised that women are just as objectified in predominantly female audiences as well. “In predominantly male magazines, women were personified as sex objects 75.98 percent of the time, and in predominantly female magazines, women were personified as sex objects about 55.71 percent of the time. The mean is 51.80 of the time.” (Rosselli). These numbers are staggering when you take into the consideration that every American picks up a magazine at least sometime during their lifetime, or that the average American sees at least 37,000 television commercials a year. “We watch an average 31 hours of TV in a week, listen to 17 hours of music, and have 3 hours dedicated to movies, creating an average of 10.45 hours a day of media influence” (Dawn M. Szymanski). With these number rising exponentially with the added influence of the internet and it’s various forms of exploitation, the future remains grim for women across the world.

Some women downplay their intelligence in order to save relationships with men who they may be attracted to, or in a business setting, their superiors. Women have been known to go as far as taking educational degrees off their resumes in order not to look “too smart”. “‘There is a dearth of quality men around and these women know that if they play smart, they will not have as many men as they would like. Hence, they are willing to compromise,’ explains Varkha Chulani, clinical psychologist and counselor. According to her, this symptom is not restricted to just dating, one also finds women cutting themselves short in the corporate world. ‘They'll compromise and allow the man to have an upper hand so as to not lose him, especially if she realizes that he has a fragile ego. This is mainly a relationship-saving tactic,’ Varkha says. According to clinical psychologist and psychotherapist Seema Hingorrany, it's mainly insecure women who fall prey to this syndrome. ‘Though these women know they are intelligent, they are aware of the fact that they are lonely. Also, in an earlier experience, the woman would probably have been told that the man is intimidated by her knowledge, position, behavior, etc.’” (Fernandes)

            The sum of all these components has already negatively affected the society views and treats our women, and due to fact that there is less regulation on what comes through the media, this situation is simply spiraling out of control. Documentaries such as Miss Understood have attempted to open the public eye about these issues, but too many brushes the situation off their shoulders like an unwanted piece of lent. The sad part is that the sexual objectification of women is one of the most lucrative concepts in the world money-wise, so there is little hope that this trend won’t continue to snowball out of control. Starting with women, the public must take a stand and refuse to continue this exploitation any further. Only then will women be seen as human beings and not trophies.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Why Dumpster Dive?

Why Dumpster Dive?
Have you ever thought about getting your food out of the dumpster? I know when you hear this question you automatically would say, “Who would eat out of a dumpster?” People who dumpster dive will. It has been known to be a hot, new trend in America. In fact, the dumpster divers have a name for themselves -- Freegans. It’s a term that combines free and vegan. They get their food from dumpsters, “though not always because they need to, but to make a statement about wastefulness of society” (“Freegans Salvage Food for Dumpster Diving”). The food that they come across most of the time is big double bagged garbage bags that have good sealed up meat in packages, eggs in a carton, fruit, and often good vegetables that are still fresh. It stated in the film that every year in America, we throw away 96 billion pounds of food that could feed Haiti for five years. That to me is very astonishing. People should pay close attention to America when it comes to wasting food. More Americans should participate in dumpster diving because the activity helps save money, serve others in need, and offers an alternative for those who are seeking new hobbies.
            Dumpster diving has become a trend for some people in America. This new method of gathering food is something people do by choice, just because of the state of the economy (“Freegans Salvage Food”). Many Freegans consider dumpster diving saves them from having to go to a supermarket to stand in long lines to purchase groceries. It also saves money. During my research I came across an article that interviewed a man named David Giles who dumpster dives. He says he spend less than a hundred dollars a week on groceries. However, many true dumpster divers now spend far less than that if anything (Tett).
            Many Freegans wonder why America wastes food. “The kind of society that would waste this much food is one that doesn’t value the earth or the products it produces. It’s in our own personal detriment to continue the process,” according to Dr. Timothy Jones (“Facts about Food Waste”). Most dumpster divers question why many American’s waste food in our society when you can serve others who are in need instead of throwing good food away. If you are a dumpster diver, you can help serve others who are in need of food. You can go to local homes, food banks, churches, and charities. You can also give out food to homeless people who you see on the street in different parts of your city. There are many ways Americans can avoid wasting good food, so there should not be an excuse to get rid of good food.
            Furthermore, becoming a dumpster diver can be an alternative for those who are seeking a hobby. Dumpster diving could be a good way to forget about everyday frustrations as opposed to staying at home thinking about problems that maybe going on in your life. It also can be for adventure seekers who don’t mind trying a thrilling experience. Diving can serve as another hobby for those who like helping others for the sake of sheer enjoyment. In more recent years, many people in metropolitan areas are taking matters into their own hands. “In many towns there are dumpster diving communities, composed of students, self-styled anarchists, homeless people, newly poor families or just rebellious citizens. These networks typically operate outside state organizations, but with a string informal etiquette and counter-culture” (Tett).
            Conclusively, there are many reasons to dumpster dive. It helps you save money, serve others who are in need, and offers an alternative for those who are seeking new hobbies. As you can see, dumpster diving is not so bad after all. It has so many positive outcomes when it comes to being a dumpster diver. I don’t see why it would be a problem to dumpster dive in certain cities or states. “We as Americans need to let the grocery stores know that you care about food waste, the environment, and hungry people and they should too” (“Facts about Food Waste”)!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Journal 5 Dive!!!!

Currently after watching The Film “Dive”! It opened my eyes when it comes to America wasting food. The film Dive! Is a documentary made by Jerry Seifert and his friends who dumpster dive for food in back alleys and gated garbage receptacles of Los Angeles super markets.  The food that they dumpster dive for are items that are packaged with sell by labels or previous dates on them. Most food they find is fresh like different meats, fruit, and vegetables and dairy products. Most of the products they find are sealed up tight. The items that they collected were for them and their families.  It avoided them to spend money and also not having to go to the grocery store. When I heard about them diving in dumpsters I thought that was nasty and wondered how people can dive in stank garbage. The thought of it really made my stomach hurt.  Me personally I don’t think I can dumpster dive. I have a weak stomach. Also I would fear of getting sick and harming my family as well. I really don’t think stores should throw away food just because one item became bad I think they should give all the food they don’t want to charities, food banks, and homeless shelter’s to people who really are in need of food.  I never been to a food bank before but my grandmother and a couple of my relatives go. The food I’ve seen them receive was decent and good. I really hope America do better when it comes to wasting food.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My American Dream


My American Dream

When most people speak about the American Dream, What exactly does it mean to them? The American Dream can mean many things different things to people. My American Dream is to be a Registered Nurse, have a family, and live life to the fullest. After listening to our guest speaker Mr. Garcia talk about his life before he became a United States Citizen it made me have a different outlook on my life and America itself. “The American Dream is a phrase we’ll have to wrestle with all our lives. It means a lot of things to different people. I think we’re redefining it now”.-Rita Dove

            My American Dream is to become a Registered Nurse. The reason why I want to become a Registered Nurse is because it was once was my mother dream. When I was a little girl I would play Doctor with my cousins and act as if they were my patients. Also because I love helping people who are in need of a helping hand. It hurt me to see people sick or someone who is dying. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a new born baby, a toddler, a teenager, an adult, even if it’s an elderly person. I also enjoy inter acting with others. It’s also a great way to meet new people.

            Once I start my career in the Medical field I have my dream truck which is a Range Rover. The color I would want it to be is silver with black leather seats. Next I would love to own my dream home. It would be a big two story house that has five bedrooms in it with a two car garage foe me and my husband vehicles, a big yard with a white picket fence around it, and a dog. Once I’m settled into my dream home I would be ready to start a family. I would love to find a significant other. Once I’m married I would want to wait about three or four years and have children. I would love to have a girl and a boy.

            After I’ve become a wife and raised my children I would be living my life to the fullest. I would travel to many countries like Africa, Japan, and even Italy. I would use all different kinds of ways to travel like an airplane, ship, and even a train. Just to say I rode anything they use for traveling. Every city I planned to visit I would try their clothing, try there food, and learn new things that they don’t do in my country. Some if the countries I would travel to I would visit some of the Hospitals to see if I could work as a nurse for a few months at a time to inter act with people who is not from my country. I would love to learn new languages and to see how it feels have patients from other countries who never had an American as their nurse.

            In conclusion like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. says I have a dream (Michael Cart) that I will have my Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, have my dream truck and  home,  a great family living in my dream home and living my life to the fullest because tomorrow is never promised. I and others believe that working hard is the most important element for getting ahead in the United States (Sandra L. Hanson and John Zogby). After listening to Mr. Garcia life story I really didn’t know what direction I was headed in. I knew what I wanted out of life but I really didn’t know which path to take to pursue my dreams. Hearing his story bought tears to my eyes. Hearing what immigrants have to go through just to try to become successful and live there dream is sad. It gave me every reason to appreciate being born and raised in the United States. If others were able to hear Mr. Garcia story they wouldn’t take America for granted. I’m very proud to say that I’m a United States Citizen.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Journal # The American Dream

                                             The American Dream

What is the American Dream? Do we really know what it mean? In my ENC1102 class we recently had a guess speaker named Mauricio Garcia who once was an immigrant. He told us about his experience and his perspective about the American Dream. When Mr. Garcia was a teenager him & his brother were forced to leave their country El Salvador to America to start a new life. His parents had no choice but to send them to the United States to have a better life. When he came to the United States he was not interested in learning how to do or say things in the American way. But one day he made a decision to change his attitude. He finally knew what he wanted to do. He explained a few obstacles along the way like his weaknesses and how he overcame them. Once he got past a few of his setbacks he became motivated and successful. Mr. Garcia story really touched my heart and moved me. His story can be very inspiring to other people who are immigrants. Now I have a different view about immigration. I applaud anyone who tries to come to America to better their lives. Mr. Garcia is really living the American dream he learned our language, has a great education, and became a United States Citizen. We as American’s are blessed to be born and raised in the U.S. we have it so easy but some people don’t look at it that way. I’m proud to be an American.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Social Media Essay

Keshawn Vaughan
Prof. Warren
11 February 2013
Linked in to Facebook
Today many of us a linked in to social media sites. Some of the social sites that are often used Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even Twitter. One of the world’s most popular social networking website is Facebook. It was created by Mark Zuckerberg, a college student who was enrolled at Harvard University. Facebook was originally created for college students. However, it became the world’s largest social network, with over a billion users worldwide. Facebook benefits in many ways. You can use Facebook to reconnect with people you’ve lost contact with, such as family, friends, and even coworkers, and it can also be as much of a learning tool as a communication tool, and it can be used in the workplace.
            I and others use Facebook to reconnect with family members and friends who we haven’t seen in years. Since I’ve joined Facebook, I have even found out that I had more family members that I never knew existed. I found out that I do have family members that live in many parts of Georgia and even right here in Jacksonville. Facebook is good to get in touch with people like if the profile user put their home address or phone number so that you can reach them. But it is not good to always put everything on Facebook that is very personal (“Facebook Sharing plans Aren’t Evil”). It also helps me remember family and friend birthdays. It keeps me posted about current family events that I may forget about even events that are here in the city that they don’t advertise on the radio. You can also find out about a lot of different things on Facebook like stuff you didn’t know about a family member or friend, what is going on in your city you didn’t know about, and even what’s going on in the world period.
            Facebook can be used as a learning tool as much as a communication tool. Many people think Facebook is just to find old friends or connect with family. But educators use it to as a learning tool. They can post book reviews, journal blogs, and writer’s workshop. Students can use the note section on Facebook to post book reviews for other students to read or teachers to grade. It’s good for them to access each other papers for peer reviews, or simply maintain online journal blogs allowing other students to respond and react. Facebook is a communication tool as well you can have a chance to communicate with family, friends, and even business partners. If they can’t be reached by email or even by phone.
            Many people use Facebook in the workplace. It was found that 33 percent of people get on social profiles at work, 67 percent does not get on Facebook. Most people who use this social site in the workplace are marketing professionals; work in IT, engineering industry, and in finance. Majority try to keep it under wraps. 64 percent access the site from their phones and 36 percent from catching a glimpse from the work computers. But as far as some companies they block access from social sites. (“Infographic: A Third of Employees Facebook at Work”). many people are LinkedIn to get in front of their respective audiences. Seeking such connections might help to advance one’s career or to link with customers (Kevin Woodward).
            In conclusion, many people are linked in to many social media sites in this day in time whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even YouTube. The many people that have a Facebook are very much linked in. It benefits us in so many ways. It’s good for relationships for family members and friends, learning social education, and even good for the workplace. Since I’ve reconnected with a few of my family members we’ve planned a few events. One event that I loved that meant a lot to me was our family reunion. It meant a lot because I and others have gotten to meet our long lost siblings and we learned our family history. I’m glad that I joined Facebook.  I really think social media is the best thing that was ever invented.

Works Cited
“Infographic: A Third of Employees Facebook at Work." PC Magazine Online 10 Nov. 2011.
            Academic OneFile. Web. 11 Feb. 2013.
Ulanoff, Lance. "Facebook's Sharing Plans Aren't Evil." PC Magazine Online 18 Jan. 2011.
            Academic OneFile. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
Woodward, Kevin. "Working Online: Making The Most of Social Media; Social networks
Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter each may help promote products and services online. But caution is advised." ISO & Agent 1 Nov. 2010: 31. Academic OneFile. Web. 13 Feb. 2013.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Digital Nation

Recently in my ENC1102 class we watched a documentary on Digital Nation. The film was very interesting. It talked about how people is basically caught up or wrapped up into the digital world. The video really caught my attention about the digital world. I never notice how I and the people around me, even in the world are hooked to computers, phones, and video games. The world revolves around the internet literally. What was interesting in the video was when they did a study on the MIT students. The students thought that multitasking was actually making them more thinkers and learners. Once the study was over they were proven wrong. It showed that doing many things at once actually slows your brain down. I personally am a part of the digital world. My experience has been the same as everyone else. For example like now currently I’m typing my journal, listening to YouTube, on Facebook and twitter. I’m even talking and texting on my cell phone. I know I shouldn't be on any of these sites or on my phone. But I’m still getting my blog done. I also love playing video games on Xbox connect, Wii, and PlayStation 3. I’m into racing games and games that you really have to physically use your body in order to play. The video games that I dislike are the ones with action, violence, and war in them. But I don’t spend hours on the video games like I would on the internet. I wonder how life would be if it wasn't a digital world.

Monday, February 4, 2013

My view on Reality Televison

                                                         My view on Reality Television

My personal opinion about reality television is it’s over rated. The reason for my opinion is because some of the reality shows they have now are pointless and they have no point of even being showed on television. Most reality shows have people who don’t mind humiliating themselves. They think its ok to make fools of themselves or even ok for other’s to make fools of them. It’s like the people who has control of airing show’s doesn't care what they show on TV. It seems as though they are just basically in it for the money. I really don’t watch reality television as much as I use to.  My reason being is that now I understand that some shows are not real and is just an act so that they can have a lot of viewers. For example theirs this one show I use to watch called Love and Hip-hop. The show is a reality television series on VH1. The series follow the lives of several women who are involved with hip hop. That show has a lot of drama between the women and their men who they are in love with and the hip hop game. They would act very ignorant and out of character as adults on that show. The cast would flip flop with one another often so I knew it wasn't real just to get viewers. I can really relate to the essay reality check. I don’t understand why we feed into people humiliating themselves.  

Monday, January 28, 2013

Final Gallery Essay

The Secret behind Pictures
         Recently in my ENC1102 class we went to visit the 31st Annual College-wide Photography Competition Art Gallery at Kent Campus. I must say there were a couple of pictures that caught my attention in so many ways. It’s amazing how pictures and facial expressions can have an impact on someone emotions. Behind every picture I’ve chosen is a secret behind my life. Why I smile, why I may need to stop to listen, and if I am unsure of something. “A picture is a secret about a secret, the more it tells you the less you know.”- Diana Arbus
        My first picture I have chosen was done by, Jasmine Platt “Smile.” The reason why this was one of my choices was because I loved to smile. The little girl in the photo reminded me of when I was a little girl growing up wearing glasses who would always smile; I still have that same smile. The reason for my smile is because I’m happy and thankful. I’m thankful to still be alive, to have my health and strength, and to be able to still walk on this beautiful place called earth at my age. I’m 21 years old and I lost a few friends that were around my age to violence. I cherish every moment of my life because it’s precious and tomorrow is never promised. I smile because I’m blessed child. I say I’m blessed because I have a family and friends who love me to death and who would give me the world if they could. I’m also blessed to have a roof over my head, a job, and a car to get me where I need to go. I don’t have much but I have every reason to smile.
       The second picture I have chosen was done by, Trevor Runyon “Stop.” I’ve chosen this particular picture because it represents some point in my life. Sometimes other’s and myself tends to remind me to just stop listen and learn. I need to learn to listen to positive things instead of negative things. I need to encourage myself to learn how to listen instead of talking when someone is trying to tell me something that is right from wrong. I also need to learn to think positive instead of thinking something negative will happen. There is still a lot in the world I need to learn. But in order for me to learn anything, I need to first know how to close my mouth and open my ears to listen. Last but not least I need to stop beating myself up with the choices I’ve made so far for the ups and downs I’ve had in my lifetime. I need to stop and live life with no regrets.
         Finally I made it to my last picture that I have chosen was done buy, Michelle Fleek “IDK.” This picture represents me to the fullest. The reason why I say that is because I don’t know where I will end up in life. There are so many things I want to do with my life. But I don’t know where to start from. I’m not sure if I’m even taking the right steps to be where I want to be in my life. Some of my choices and decisions have me all over the place. I don’t know where I’m headed or where I’ll actually end up. I know what I need to do and I’m not going to say I don’t where I’m going in life. I will become a young black successful young woman; I have dreams I’m willing to accomplish. I look forward to achieve in every last one of them. So for now I will not tell myself I don’t know where I’m headed in life.
        In conclusion these great photographs I’ve chosen from the Art Gallery made me feel some type of emotion from my life. It amazes me how photos of people or places can influence how a person may feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. The reason why I’ve chosen these particular pictures is because they represent a place in my life. I have my many reasons to smile; I even have my moments where I need to just stop and listen, and I don’t know what may occur in my life or where I’m headed. But I do know I’m following my dreams.  I really believe a picture is worth a thousand words.    

Monday, January 14, 2013

Journal Entry 1

My experience in my ENC1101 class was simple and easy. It was too easy to the point I really didn't learn much. In a way I liked the fact it was an easy class but then again I didn't because I wanted to learn more and I knew that I needed to know more. To be honest Mrs. Warren I really didn't gain very much from my professor. The way my class was structured was we would come in class to hear my professor read from a few chapters in our book, do team work activities, listen to a couple of his life stories, watch movies, basically not learning about English. I need a lot of assistance in English. I really need to refresh my memory on how to write a good essay, make my vocabulary stronger than what it already is, also how to use proper grammar and how to stay on topic and not to get off topic while writing an essay. I never got taught how to use MLA format, APA style, and any type of writing tools for an essay.   I really hope this time in English I can learn a lot. I don’t want a professor who just lectures and really doesn't give us any work or just let us get an easy grade just because we showed up to class. I actually want to learn to write an essay with perfection. I really look forward to learning a lot in my new English class.